Rose Holstein: Fauxthentic


April 3 - 16, 2022

Reception: Thursday, April 7, 5 p.m. 

“In many ways I felt that I wasn’t Asian. Constant questions about “what I am” or “where I’m from” as well as questions about my appearance led to me having an identity crisis I still struggle with today.

Using my art, I can explore the themes of often overlooked aspects of Asian culture. So much of history is blatantly ignored or denied, instead picking the most appealing and exotic aspects. I take inspiration from traditional Korean art as well as Japanese Ukiyo-e prints. I use acrylics and pen and ink, as well as mixed media and digital art.

I want my work to resonate to those who feel grey or in-between or unsure of who they are. I still struggle to accept I am Asian. The food I made with my family and even the small snacks I ate gave me a connection. From seeing other Koreans at markets, and referencing my grandmother’s recipes, I know how powerful something so seemingly insignificant can become. Being able to incorporate even the smallest amounts of my childhood and important symbols in my work allow me to connect to a part of me that feels vague or estranged. The more I learned of my family history as well as the history surrounding the Korean and Asian culture, I realized how much wider it was than the western mindset. I felt like in my life I had been denied being Asian because I “wasn’t enough." I realize I don’t have to fit into a label. I am half, but it doesn’t lessen my experience. Rather it allows me to see both sides and realize I don’t have to be defined as one or another. I am a whole person.”

About Rose Holstein

Rose Holstein is an illustrator and painter based in South Carolina. Growing up, she was always yelled and dissuaded from constantly drawing, but found it even harder to stop.

Using multiple mediums such as acrylic, pen, ink, and digital art, Rose illustrates creatures and important symbols from her life growing up. She takes inspiration from traditional Asian art as well as some of her favorite media.

Rose has worked on multiple school newspapers as a designer and editorial cartoonist. She has also done freelance work for commissions. She still draws on everything, but now is allowed to put it on display.